
Our Team

ReUNetwork 旨在連繫不同領域的合資格專業人士。我們致力於改善受創傷、解離或其他精神健康問題困擾人士的福祉,並建立一個更美好的社區。

ReUNetwork aims at connecting qualified professionals from different disciplines. We are dedicated to improve the well-being of people with trauma, dissociation or other mental health issues, and to develop a better community.

本網站由來自香港的社工和研究人員Dr. Andy H.W. Fung管理。他是香港解離症關注協會的創辦人和主席、《成為自己的隊友:認識創傷與解離》的第一作者、病態解離網上心理教育計劃研發者及總監。他的醫學與科研文章可見於此

This website is managed by Dr. Andy H.W. Fung, who is a social worker and a researcher from Hong Kong, the Founder and President of the Hong Kong Association Concerning Dissociative Disorders (HKACDD), the first author of the book Be a Teammate with Yourself: Understanding Trauma and Dissociation (2019), and the developer & director of the Web-based Psychoeducation Program for People with Pathological Dissociation (WPPD). His medical and scientific papers can be found here.