關於 ReU
About ReU
什麼是 ReU? What is ReU?
ReU創傷復原網絡 (ReU) 旨在為受心理或情緒問題困擾的人提供支援服務,尤其是經歷過創傷或壓力,以及出現創傷相關精神健康問題的人。除了提供支援服務,我們也致力於研究和教育工作,以增加大家對逆境、創傷、解離和身心健康的認識。我們跟醫療及社會服務領域的伙伴緊密合作,包括研究人員、學者、教育工作者和實務工作者(例如:社工、精神科醫生、心理學家)。
"ReU" 這個字有兩個意思:
1) Reunion: 我們內在各個部分之間的重聚。逆境或痛苦經歷造成創傷和壓力的話,可以導致我們身心的內在矛盾和分裂。要從創傷和壓力中復原,並減少創傷相關的精神健康問題,就是要促進人格整合及身心整合(人格部分之間的重聚)。
2) We & You: 我們跟您合作成為團隊。我們提供資訊和支援,您付出努力。一步一步,慢慢來,復原永遠是可能的。
ReU Trauma Recovery Network (ReU) aims to provide support services for persons who are struggling with psychological or emotional problems, especially those who have encountered trauma or stress, and those who have trauma-related mental health problems. In addition to providing support services, we are also dedicated to improve understanding of adversities, trauma, dissociation and body-mind well-being through research and education. We work closely with partners in the fields of health and social services, including researchers, scholars, educators and practitioners (e.g., social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists).
There are two meanings for the word "ReU":
1) Reunion: Reunion of different parts of ourselves. Adversities or painful experiences that result in trauma and stress could lead to internal conflicts and disconnections within our body and mind. To recovery from trauma and stress and to reduce trauma-related mental health problems, is to promote integration of the personality and integration of the body and mind (reunion of different parts of the personality).
2) We & You: We work with you as a team. We provide information and support, and you need to work hard. Step by step. Recovery is always possible.