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一般而言,當一個人處理和整合自己經驗的能力受壓垮的時候,就可能出現創傷(Giller, 1999)。在DSM-5中,「創傷」的定義相對狹窄——它僅承認「重大創傷」(”Big T”)(例如:嚴重事故、襲擊、身體受傷)。可是,有些學者提出,我們也不應忽視其他一些「小型」事件(稱為“little T”)的影響(例如:情感虐待和情緒忽略、家庭暴力、受到欺凌)(Herman, 1992)。創傷和壓力的經歷,不僅會影響我們的心理(例如:情緒、想法),更會對我們的身體產生深遠的影響(例如:自律神經系統、皮質醇、杏仁核)(van der Kolk, 2014)。儘管創傷和壓力的影響可能很大,但許多臨床和研究發現提醒我們,復原總是可能的。

解離(可以理解為「失去連結/斷裂」)是指將某些經驗整合到人格系統的過程中出現障礙(Ross, 2007; Van der Hart, Nijenhuis, & Steele, 2006)。如前所述,創傷經歷可能會壓垮一個人處理和整合自身經驗的能力——因此,創傷可能導致人格的解離。解離了的部分,可以是情緒、記憶、行為、身體控制,甚至是身份。以下是一些解離症狀的例子:無法回想起一些創傷經歷、痛苦回憶的回閃(浮現)、感到麻木、感覺不真實、自我感喪失(人格解體)、感到內心好像存在另一個人,甚至聽到來自解離人格部分的聲音(Dell, 2009)。


實際上,越來越多的科學研究表明,許多身體和心理健康問題或多或少都跟創傷和壓力有關。例如,研究表明逆境經歷跟抑鬱症、焦慮症、思覺失調和物質濫用等狀況有密切關係(Chapman et al., 2004; De Venter, Demyttenaere, & Bruffaerts, 2013; Read, Fink, Rudegeair, Felitti, & Whitfield, 2008; Read, van Os, Morrison & Ross, 2005)。進一步而言,有一些精神健康問題,尤其被廣泛認為跟心理創傷有關:

  • 急性壓力症(ASD)

  • 創傷後壓力症(PTSD)

  • 複雜型創傷後壓力症(complex PTSD)

  • 邊緣人格障礙(BPD)

  • 身體症狀障礙症/身心症

  • 解離症(包括:解離性身份障礙[DID] /多重人格障礙[MPD]、OSDD/DDNOS)

實證研究指出患上創傷相關的精神健康問題(例如:PTSD,complex PTSD和解離症)的人,對特定的創傷治療和心理社會介入有良好的治療反應。

這個領域的專家已經制訂了一些針對創傷相關精神健康問題的治療指南,例如“The ISTSS expert consensus treatment guidelines for complex PTSD in adults”(2012)和“Guidelines for treating dissociative identity disorder in adults, Third Revision”(2011) 。

I have emotional/interpersonal issues. When is professional support needed?

Everyone has problems from time to time. Research shows that mental health issues are fairly common in our society. Sometimes, mental health problems are understandable responses to difficult life events. We are social beings and we need support from each other. If your emotional/interpersonal issues cause distress and/or impairment in your life, you should definitely consider seeking professional support.

Where can I find mental health services?

Psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, counselors and therapists can all provide support for people with mental health problems. Different practitioners have different expertise and experiences. Different mental health problems also require different interventions. There are many evidence-based treatments (e.g., cognitive-behavioral therapy, EMDR) that practitioners can use when working with you.

What is trauma? What is dissociation?

Generally speaking, trauma occurs when one’s ability to process and integrate his/her experiences is overwhelmed (Giller, 1999). In DSM-5, the definition of trauma is comparatively narrow – it only recognizes Big Trauma (“Big T”)(e.g., serious accidents, attacks, physical injuries). However, some scholars have proposed that the impacts of some other “minor” events (known as “little t”)(e.g., emotional abuse and neglect, family violence, being bullied) should not be overlooked as well (Herman, 1992). Traumatic and stressful experiences not only affect our mind (e.g., emotions, thoughts), but can also have significant impacts on our body (e.g., autonomic nervous system, cortisol, amygdala) (van der Kolk, 2014). While the impacts of trauma and stress can be considerable, numerous clinical and research findings remind us that recovery is always possible.

Dissociation (i.e., disconnection) refers to the failure in the process of integrating certain experiences within one’s personality system (Ross, 2007; Van der Hart, Nijenhuis, & Steele, 2006). As mentioned, a traumatic experience can overwhelm one’s ability to process and integrate his/her experiences – therefore, trauma can result in dissociation of the personality. The dissociated parts can be emotions, memories, behaviors, motor control, or even identities. Examples of dissociative symptoms include: Being unable to recall some traumatic experiences, flashbacks of painful memories, feeling numb, feeling unreal, depersonalization, feeling as if there is another person existing inside your mind, or even hearing voices from a dissociated part of the personality (Dell, 2009).

What are trauma-related mental disorders?

In fact, there is an increasing number of scientific studies showing that many physical and mental health problems are more or less associated with trauma and stress. For example, studies have shown that adverse experiences are associated with depression, anxiety, psychosis and substance abuse (Chapman et al., 2004; De Venter, Demyttenaere, & Bruffaerts, 2013; Read, Fink, Rudegeair, Felitti, & Whitfield, 2008; Read, van Os, Morrison, & Ross, 2005). In particular, there are some well-recognized trauma-related mental disorders:

  • Acute stress disorder (ASD)

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (complex PTSD)

  • Borderline personality disorder (BPD)

  • Somatic symptom disorder

  • Dissociative disorders (including dissociative identity disorder [DID] /multiple personality disorder [MPD] and OSDD/DDNOS)

It should be noted that the empirical literature has shown that people with trauma-related mental disorders such as PTSD, complex PTSD and dissociative disorders can respond well to specific trauma therapies and psychosocial interventions.

Experts in the field have developed treatment guidelines for trauma-related mental disorders, such as "The ISTSS expert consensus treatment guidelines for complex PTSD in adults" (2012) and "Guidelines for treating dissociative identity disorder in adults, Third Revision" (2011).


Chapman, D. P., Whitfield, C. L., Felitti, V. J., Dube, S. R., Edwards, V. J., & Anda, R. F. (2004). Adverse childhood experiences and the risk of depressive disorders in adulthood. Journal of Affective Disorders, 82(2), 217-225.

Cloitre, M., Courtois, C. A., Ford, J. D., Green, B. L., Alexander, P., Briere, J., . . . Van der Hart, O. (2012). The ISTSS expert consensus treatment guidelines for complex PTSD in adults. [http://www.istss.org/ISTSS_Main/media/Documents/ComplexPTSD.pdf].

De Venter, M., Demyttenaere, K., & Bruffaerts, R. (2013). The relationship between adverse childhood experiences and mental health in adulthood. A systematic literature review. Tijdschrift Voor Psychiatrie, 55(4), 259-268.

Dell, P. F. (2009). The phenomena of pathological dissociation. In P. F. Dell & J. A. O'Neil (Eds.), Dissociation and the dissociative disorders: DSM-V and beyond (pp. 228-233). New York: Routledge.

Giller, E. (1999). What is psychological trauma? Retrieved from Sidran Institute website: https://www.sidran.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/What-Is-Psychological-Trauma.pdf

Herman, J. L. (1992). Trauma and recovery. New York: Basic Books.

International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. (2011). Guidelines for treating dissociative identity disorder in adults, Third Revision. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 12(2), 115-187. doi:10.1080/15299732.2011.537247

Read, J., Fink, P., Rudegeair, T., Felitti, V., & Whitfield, C. (2008). Child maltreatment and psychosis: A return to a genuinely integrated bio-psycho-social model. Clinical Schizophrenia & Related Psychoses, 2(3), 235-254.

Read, J., van Os, J., Morrison, A., & Ross, C. A. (2005). Childhood trauma, psychosis and schizophrenia: A literature review with theoretical and clinical implications. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 112(5), 330-350.

Ross, C. A. (2007). The trauma model: A solution to the problem of comorbidity in psychiatry. Richardson, TX: Manitou Communications.

Van der Hart, O., Nijenhuis, E. R., & Steele, K. (2006). The haunted self: Structural dissociation and the treatment of chronic traumatization. New York, NY: W.W. Norton.

van der Kolk, B. A. (2014). The body keeps the score: Brain, mind and body in the healing of trauma. New York, NY: Viking.


— 多重人格障礙(multiple personality disorder, MPD),自1994年後已正式改名為「解離性身份障礙」(DID),有時俗稱「人格分裂症」,是一個國際正式認可的精神科診斷。

— DID是解離症(dissociative disorders)的其中一種,換句話說,解離症之中還包括其他診斷,例如解離性失憶症、#自我感喪失症 / #現實感喪失症#OSDD / #DDNOS,解離症不一定就是DID。

─ DID的特徵是記憶方面的解離(例如: 無法回憶起一些重要的個人資料或經歷),以及身份認同上出現解離(出現2個或以上、明顯不同的身份部分/人格部分/交替人格),在某些文化裡可能會被認為是「鬼上身」現象,因為一個身體彷彿有了多個不同的靈魂。

— DID跟 #童年逆境、心理創傷有密切關係,而且在不同文化、地區(例如: 美國、英國、荷蘭、土耳其、香港、台灣等地也有不少案例)、時代(例如: 清代《#仿寓意草》也記載人格解離的醫案、17世紀法國也有DID的案例)也有相關的報告,因此DID被認為是一個跨文化的 #創傷心理障礙

— 雖然傳統認為DID很罕見,但是跨文化的流行病學研究指出,DID在一般人口裡的盛行率約為 1% (即是跟 #精神分裂症 的普遍性可能相差不大),而在一些特定組群(例如: 精神科病人、急症病人)的盛行率更高。

— 除了解離症狀之外,DID患者往往還會受苦於很多不同的困擾和症狀,例如創傷後症狀、痛苦記憶回閃、幻聽、抑鬱、自傷行為、人際關係困難等等。

— DID的治療以專門的創傷心理治療為主,藥物治療有時有輔助角色,不少研究與臨床案例都指出,只要有適當的支援,DID患者——跟其他創傷倖存者一樣——可以復原得很好,重新過著健康、幸福的生活,而且不少DID患者也是成功人士,譬如 #亞洲協會 前理事長、美國前白宮顧問、中國研究專家安熙龍(Robert B. Oxnam)就是一位DID患者。


ReU Trauma Recovery Network

【心理自助書:Amazon有售】 Be A Teammate With Yourself : Understanding Trauma and Dissociation


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#抑鬱 #憂鬱 #焦慮 #創傷後壓力症 #PTSD

#心理健康 #精神健康 #心理學 #情緒 #情緒病


(原文載於明報,標題為「遠離創傷壓力環境 困境下倖存 重建美好生活文章日期:2021年12月27日)





過去普遍認為,只有天災、車禍、戰爭、嚴重暴力等重大事件,才會造成心理創傷(psychological trauma),但近二三十年很多科學研究發現,生活上很多痛苦、不幸和壓力事件也可能帶來深遠影響,而且創傷遠比我們所以為的普遍。例如,童年逆境經驗(adverse childhood experiences)的研究指出,童年時期遭遇肢體虐待、性侵犯、情感忽略、家庭暴力等不良經驗,與抑鬱、自殺風險、思覺失調、物質濫用,甚至癌症、心血管疾病有密切關係。

2019年一項香港研究,分析了2010至2013年社區成年人數據,發現64.8%受訪者曾直接經歷至少一件創傷事件。試想像,在毒性壓力(toxic stress,見「知多啲」)、背叛創傷(betrayal trauma)、災難、住屋擠迫等困境下,身心健康很難不受影響。即使是思覺失調,原來復發風險也跟家庭裏表露情緒(expressed emotion)有顯著關係,家庭中不良情緒表露會增加復發風險。



情緒問題 源自創傷壓力反應

除了生命早期依附經歷,創傷和壓力也在身心發展中扮演重要角色。腦神經科學研究證明,創傷和壓力對大腦神經會造成實際傷害。臨牀文獻指出,很多情緒或心理問題,是創傷或壓力下的反應。例如,有些人出現幻聽,原來是創傷導致人格解離(dissociation),有一些情緒、記憶彷彿不屬於自己,而那些聲音就是來自解離了的自我部分。有些人遇到環境刺激(triggers)就會突然很驚慌、憤怒,或者腦海突然湧現痛苦記憶回閃(dissociative flashbacks),這些也可能緣自過去未被處理的痛苦。



自身、外力支持 提升復元力







◆毒性壓力(toxic stress)


◆背叛創傷(betrayal trauma)


◆表露情緒(expressed emotion)


